A professional banner image with a light background of bookshelves and a desk, representing academic research

Research and Projects

Areas of Interest

Conference Presentations

Research Experience

Research Highlights

Abstract representation of AI confidence in government and private sector

Partisan Perspectives on AI Confidence

Exploring How Political Affiliations Influence Trust in AI Applications.

Illustration of water salinity impact on women's health

Impact of Water Salinity on Women’s Health

An Analysis Based on the Right to Water and Sanitation.

Urban poverty and its causes and consequences

Understanding Lay Perceptions of Urban Poverty

Causes and Consequences of Urban Poverty.

Ongoing Projects

Conceptual image of ethical AI in public service

Ethical and Trustworthy AI in Public Service Delivery

Exploring frameworks for ethical AI implementation in public services.

Illustration of youth engagement in violent extremism

Youth Engagement in Violent Extremism

Research on factors influencing youth involvement in violent extremism.

Floating gardens in urban rivers

Impacts of Urban Rivers’ Floating Gardens

Study on the impacts of floating gardens on surrounding communities.

Publications and Presentations

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

For a detailed overview of my academic background, publications, and work experience, download my CV below.

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